Recording shots
So far my group barley got any shots besides the ones for the crime scene, so recording has been a bust. This is because the member who plays the girl had a terrible charger cable and her phone didn't charge last night, the shots we needed needed to have her phone on while I, the stalker sent her a text. Another reason we couldn't record was because the person who was supposed to record had something come up. Although we're planning to finish the shots this weekend if our parents let us meet up to record our shots. Might be a little hard to convince my mother to let me meet up with friends to record at night, in an empty parking lot, while wearing a black hoodie. At night. During the weekend. At night. Yeah.... I would be concern if my kid asked me that as well. Anyways, on with the blog.
Technology we used
To record our shots we used the highest form on technology to film. The most technologically advanced camera we could get ahold of.. Shivanie's phone. We just had Shivanie use her phone to film the shots and she was the camerawoman, because during the early stages of the project the three of us summited an example of our recordings, to choose who would be the one recording and Shivanie's was the smoothest. Honestly, mines was really shaky and jittery, I think in my footage you can even hear a crack from my leg if you listen close enough. :')
What I learned
Besides learning that prop police tape are camera shy, we didn't really use and equipment such as lights and cameras (plural), we recorded outside and the lighting was sunlight. I'm meant to talk about what I learned from production technologies, but since we didn't really use much this part of the blog would be too short. :/ Anyways, fake blood can stain skin a bit, but there's nothing that a little soap, water, and a towel to scrub off with can't help. Since the fake blood was also in a spray bottle it was kind of hard to make fake stab wounds with it and I learned that I wasn't the best at making fake stab wounds with a spray, at least I didn't get any on Sarah's shoes. We also had to have a little on the pavement to make it look a little realistic, but I also tried to be careful with how I did it, because I didn't want us getting in trouble for getting the pavement messy. We managed to get a little off, but some stained it a bit and it wasn't too bad, because we can use play it off as one of those mystery stains that appear randomly on the floor. The chalk was simple just Shivanie tracing Sarah's body to make it look like a crime scene, its a good thing that chalk comes of with water and a little bit of scrubbing. The police tape in this shot wasn't shy this time, but it did keep flipping over in the wind.
How I learned how to use the equipment
Again, we didn't really use any equipment, we just used a phone and Shivanie was the one recording. We just learned how to use the equipment as we went. I don't think any of the shots we based off any other shots from films or shows, if one was I feel like my group would have informed me about it or I would have remembered it.
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